Nov. 6, Elgin, Texas

I spent an extra day with Daniel and Kate–I needed the extra rest and didn’t want some minor physical problems to become major ones! I got an early start Saturday (Nov 5th) morning. Kate drove me to the exact spot where Daniel Picked me up, and I headed east towards Ronald Reagan Highway, a much better route. I rode through the town of Taylor–a really neat looking downtown area.

Taylor Tx

Taylor Tx


My goal was the Buena Vista RV park, south of Elgin, TX. I made it without incident, showing up at about 4:30. The first people I met invited me to dinner. Cyndie and Randy–really neat folks!

Cyndie and Randy

Cyndie and Randy


Today, I’m heading to La Grange, TX, which is pronounced with a long A in Grange. Reminds me of the famous JWST cowboy song:

“Oh give me a locus, where the gravitons focus, and the 3 body problem is solved. Where microwaves play, down at 3 degrees K, and the cold virus never evolved. Home, home on La Grange….”

Until next time…


6 Responses to “Nov. 6, Elgin, Texas

  • I really like the song. Are there more verses?
    Your Aunt Evelyn and I are off an a drive to Baja tomorrow.
    Glad you took a day of rest.
    Cheers, Uncle Loren

  • “Home, home on La Grange, oh the words to a novice are strange…” what’s a K? Three degrees down there? The physics gene pool skipped me:).

    Glad you took an extra day and that your sense of humor is intact. Love you!

  • K… K is for Kelvin…
    Where absolute temperature plays
    But if you get down to zero
    Please have a great care o
    Because this is where time delays

    Co-authored by my daughter Joya

  • Hey Scott, hope you made it to LA Grange before the down pour. Would have loved to have heard more about this telescope your working on. Take care and we’ll be online.
    Randy &Cyndie

  • Every great story needs a theme song. Keep inventing lyrics…you’ve got plenty of time.

  • David Stischer
    8 years ago

    So glad you got to visit Austin. That is my hometown. Hope you enjoy Texas because you got a lot more to go in Texas. Actually I am impressed at how fast you are going through Texas. Have you noticed Venus this week? Keep on pedaling !

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