April 3rd, Laramie, Wyoming

The talk at the University of Wyoming went very well. A lot of people were in attendance, given that it was on a Sunday afternoon. The talk ran 50 minutes, leaving 10 minutes for questions.

However, the ride yesterday from Fort Collins to Laramie literally kicked by butt. It would seem that I am no longer 25 years old. The grade was mostly uphill and into a head wind, for 60 miles. Further, a navigation mistake added 4 miles to the ride, and cost me about an hour. With minimal sunlight left in the day, I still had 30 miles to cover. I could see no where to camp. Plus, I was just exhausted. So, I called my wife, Heidi and asked her to meet me, the both of us spending the night in Laramie. Shortly after I contacted her, the wind pattern changed and I made good time. Even still, the sun set with 15 miles left to ride; she met me shortly thereafter. The next day, as Heidi returned home, she dropped me off at the spot she had met me the day before, and I finished the ride into Laramie.

An added element of stress: the charger for my surface pro died. I got through the talk on fumes. I have ordered a new charger and had it sent to Riverton. Fortunately, I can upload photos from my iPhone. Here are a few from the ride to Laramie:


On the road to Laramie


The sign at the Wyoming border was missing, so I snapped one as I left Colorado.


The lecture hall at the University of Wyoming.

Tomorrow will be challenging: About 55 miles with potential headwinds. I will stop and camp at the town of Medicine Bow. From there it is on to Rawlins.



6 Responses to “April 3rd, Laramie, Wyoming

  • Scott it’s really too bad that you’re doing this alone. I’m watching you my friend and praying for you. I hope to join you at some point. I admire your grit, determination, and faith. May God be with you with each rotation of each spoke

  • David Stischer
    9 years ago

    Looks like you’re going to make it. One day at a time. And I’m pretty sure you told me if you can make it one week you can make it the next week so one week at a time. Keep up the good work!

  • Scott:

    A singing group I’m a part of by chance sang the following hymn today, which seems appropriate for you and your endeavor (“pole to pole”, “round the whole earth”, “…began its race”). I hope tomorrow goes better for you!

    “Chester, L.M.”, By William Billings, 1770

    Let the high heavn’s your songs invite, These spacious fields of brilliant light,
    Where sun and moon and planets roll, And stars that glow from pole to pole.

    Sun, moon and stars convey Thy praise, Round the whole earth and never stand,
    So when Thy truth began its race, It touched and glanced on ev’ry hand.

  • Keep after it, my friend. You’ll find a rhythm as the days move along. Good that you’re close to home as you work out the kinks.

    Follow the dream!

  • One day at a time Scott. You’re doing great. Keep picking a daily mileage goal that is realistic given the conditions. This IS a marathon (and then some), not a sprint. The body will adapt if you give it time to. We’re all watching and rooting for you!

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