Nov. 21, Wiggins, MS

I woke up early (on 11/19) after a good night’s sleep at the Franklinton Police Dept. I was expecting to have to camp outside, but since it was going to be in the low 30’s, the officer in charge let me sleep inside the building!
Wonderful folks and hospitality at the Franklinton Police Station

Wonderful folks and hospitality at the Franklinton Police Station

They gave me my own room–the “Interview and Interrogation” room. I even had a cot, showers and a kitchen to use. That morning, I met a young man who was cleaning the floors in the facility. Turns out that he was a trustee–a man actually serving time, but trusted enough to help out at the police station. As such, I won’t print his name. This fellow really impressed me. He made a couple of bad choices early on, but is absolutely determined to make the most out of the rest of his life. He had a good understanding of space and astronomy, and an atypical interest in the subject matter. I gave him my contact info, and would not be surprised if he ends up in the astronomy program at LSU one of these days.
I generally try to take every 3rd day off, to rest, work and plan logistics. But it sometimes works out better if I ride a full day, and then two half days. 11/19 was a half day, and it was only a 30 mile ride from Franklinton to Bogalusa. Upon arrival into Bogalusa, I went straight to the Police department to find a place to camp. The lieutenant on duty offered me the city park, which was currently closed while the town put up lights for Christmas. I had bathroom facilities, and power as well! It was a comfortable night in the tent, but this morning, it was COLD; clearly below freezing. My tent was covered with frost.
I crossed into Mississippi today, my first time in the state. My goal today was the town of Wiggins–about 45 miles.
My shoe before (left) and after (right) today's repair job.

My shoe before (left) and after (right) today’s repair job.

About half way, my cycle shoe finally broke. In anticipation of this event, I had purchase some epoxy and rubbing alcohol to make the repair; the other items I found in Wiggins. It took several hours to fix the shoe, but it worked well and I believe this repair will be permanent.

A thorough repair

A thorough repair

Tomorrow, I need to cycle to at least Vancleave, MS where I will pick up a spare tire sent general delivery to the local post office.

3 Responses to “Nov. 21, Wiggins, MS

  • I hope the tire made it. Your seem to be making great time. You will be at the end of this leg soon. Seems like time is picking up and going faster.


  • You never know when you will impact someone’s life for the better. Sounds like God used you in that trustee’s life! More than just a bike trip☺️ Love you!


  • Turkey up bud! Todd and I are thinking about you this holiday and rooting for you. It won’t be long before you are on the beach and you can take the shoes off to put sand between your toes. Hope you get some stuffing. Enjoy the ride. T&T

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