Oct 16, Day off in Lamar, CO

I took the day off today. It wasn’t as windy as the weather predicted, but I’m glad I stayed here anyway. It gave me a chance to go to church, which is something I don’t get to do very often while on the road. I went to the local Christian Church, which was recommended by my son.

Services at Lamar Christian Church

Services at Lamar Christian Church

It was really nice. The music was old-school; very much my personal preference. Before the sermon, they asked for prayer requests. At least one person asked for the price of produce to go up. I guess there are a lot of farmers in this part of the world and low prices at the store mean heartache for them.


Later today, I went into Walmart to get some new bicycle tubes. As I walked around, I was hard pressed to find something manufactured in the United States. But when I went over to the grocery section, it was difficult to find something that wasn’t.


The fact is that, in the United States, we grow food better than any place in the world. I say “we,” but I really mean they–the American farmers. It’s a shame that they have such a hard time making a living, doing such an important job. I don’t even begin to understand the problem, and would never even presume to propose a solution. But at least I can say, “Thanks!” So, it any of you reading this blog are farmers, thank you from the bottom of my very full belly.


Lamar is an interesting town. I passed this building which is made out of petrified wood.

Petrified wood building

Petrified wood building

Near the middle of the downtown there is a park that boasts a train depot, an old steam engine and, for some reason, a modern turbine blade. Cool!


Turbine blade

Turbine blade


While I was at Walmart, I met a fellow cycle tourist named Daniel. Daniel had similar experiences with goathead thorns and was also buying tubes! Take a look at what I found in his right front panier:


Bicycle dog

Bicycle dog

Her name is “Lady Tigger” and she goes wherever Daniel does. She stayed in that panier throughout the entire tire changing process. Clearly, you’d need a dog with the right temperament for bicycle touring, but Lady Tigger clearly has it.


I will be on the road tomorrow before the sun rises; I have 69 miles and want to get the balance of it done before the wind starts. I’m about 140 miles from services and further than that from internet, so it may be a while before I check in. See you later!




One Response to “Oct 16, Day off in Lamar, CO

  • Dog in a bag, turbine blade, my you are seeing it all! Wish I was riding with you, Scott. Not that I could hack it, but I’d sure like to see you! Love you, Brother!

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