May 20, Highest point on Alaskan Highway


We are currently camped at what I was told is the highest spot on the Alaskan Highway. Yesterday and today are supposed to be the toughest rides until after Whitehorse! To top it off, I’ve got a sore throat and a head cold, and it rained for two days straight. But, the sun is supposed to come out today.

Two days ago, we got a late start out of Fort Nelson. After about 1/2 a day of riding, Allen went down to a creek to investigate a potential camping spot. It was fine, but he encountered a bear cub–a bad omen–and we rode on.

This reminds me of a picture I forgot to post. This was taken by Elizabeth on the ride into Fort Nelson:

Friendly bear

Friendly bear

I was holding both of our bikes, and could not move, so was a bit more nervous about this encounter than Elizabeth, who was holding the camera and a can of bear spray.

Today we are supposed to ride into Tetsa for an early lunch. Cheers,





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