Too Many Cheeseburgers!!!

Well folks, it looks like I need to have a minor change of plans in the departure date of the ride. This all started a few weeks ago.

I began to have some pains in my chest whenever I started on a bike ride. Now this is not at all uncommon–acid, muscle spasms can all cause minor pain when cycling. But I went to ask a doctor about it just to be sure. That doctor visit lead me to cardiologist, who scheduled a treadmill stress test. That stress test led to an angiogram, which led to an ambulance ride to the Medical Center of the Rockies Cardio Intensive Care Unit. I just had a quadruple bypass!


Hey–by the way–the staff at the Medical Center of the Rockies is INCREDIBLE!

So–what does this mean for the ride? It simply means that I will  do the same ride, but shifted by two months. The ride will begin in Cuba–instead of Boulder–on December 1st. It will end in Miami about 1 year later. Sorry–those folks who were supposed to hear talks in October and November will have to wait a year, near the end if the ride.

One good thing that came out of this is that a cardiologist at the Medical Center if the Rockies wants to join the Cuba section! And he speaks Spanish. He will become the official cardiologist for the JWST WBT.

I always thought that the only thing better than an around the world bike ride would be to do it after a bypass operation!


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